For the purposes of CDR Rule 4.23(1)(b), data holders could refer to: • the earliest holding day as specified in the designation instrument; • a more recent date where the data has a shorter historical range. Note 1: For banking sector details on historical data access, refer to Schedule 3, Rules 3.2 (4) and (5), noting the earliest holding day specified in the Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions designation instrument being 1 January 2017. Note 2: For energy sector details on historical data access, refer to Schedule 4 Rule 3.2(2)(b)(iii), noting the earliest holding day specified in the Energy Sector designation instrument of 1 July 2018. Note 3: A generic date may not be meaningful to a consumer whose data has a shorter historical range. For example, if a consumer only opened an account with a Data Holder on 10 February 2021, a Data Holder may wish to present this more precise and meaningful date for the purposes of 4.23(1)(b).
CDR Rule 4.23(1)(b)
Authorise: Authorisation to disclose
1 April 2021
22 February 2024