Authorise: Authorisation to disclose v1.16.0.2022.03.17


General updates and slight revisions to the CX Guidelines including additions to accommodate the energy sector. Updates include: Artefact changes • References to accounts have been generalised to be sector-agnostic • Clarifications to note that additional account information can be included, such as any related plans, services, properties, numbers, and products (checklist reference 3AU.01.25) Slight requirement modifications • Slight content and reference modification to match current rules and Standards website (checklist references 3AU.02.11, 3AU.01.12, 3AU.02.13, 3AU.02.14, 3AU.02.24, 3AU.03.01, 3AU.03.02, 3AU.03a.01, 3AU.04.01, 3AU.04.02, 3AU.05.01) • Guideline modification (checklist reference 3AU.08.02) Open source assets - Revised to reflect changes for each of the above areas

Date released
March 17, 2022
Version introduced