Overview: CX reports v1.16.1.2022.04.04


New CX research section includes report on insight and trusted adviser consent research conducted in Q4 2021. Report contains findings and recommendations that support new rules on non-AP disclosure consents and the CX standards introduced in v1.16.0, related to Disclosure Consent: Insight Descriptions, and Disclosure Consent: Non-Accredited Person Disclosure Notification. Report introduces a new format and new outputs, including: • Behavioural archetypes to segment and describe different consumer drivers, behaviours, and needs observed in the research, including the Sceptic, Sensemaker, Assurance seeker, and the Enthusiast • A design rationale, demonstrating how the proposed guidelines for insight and trusted adviser consents tend to the needs and expectations of these behavioural archetypes • A Fogg Behaviour Model (FBM), which is a Behaviour Design approach which suggests that a Behaviour (B) occurs when Motivation (M), Ability (A), and a Prompt (P) converge, summarised in the formula B=MAP. Research participants were plotted on the FBM according to their behavioural archetypes in relation to an ‘action line’, which indicates whether or not a consumer is likely to act on the CDR value proposition.

Date released
April 4, 2022
Version introduced