01. Language to be used

Checklist ref


0DL. Data Language
Wireframe ref

CX Standard
Requirement level
Data HolderData Recipient

Data Recipients and Data Holders MUST use data language standards to describe data clusters and permissions in consumer-facing interactions. See the Banking Language section for language to be used when requesting banking data; and the Energy Language section for language to be used when requesting energy data. Data language standards MUST be used when CDR data is being requested, reviewed, or access to such data is withdrawn. Data Recipients and Data Holders MUST use the appropriate data standards language for business consumers as denoted with an '*' for the relevant data. Data Recipients and Data Holders SHOULD expand on the proposed language where appropriate to communicate further details of what is being shared. Additional details MAY include additional information in context, such as in-line help or tool tips, and/or additional permissions where they may exist. Examples of permission details that MAY be used and provided as in-line help are denoted with an '†' for the relevant data.


Version introduced
1.4.0 or earlier
Date introduced

12 August 2020 or earlier

Date modified

21 March 2022
