This section has a range of reports, presentations and other outputs produced by the Consumer Experience Working Group from research, consultation, and workshops with CDR stakeholders and other interested parties.
CPRC Report 4: My Data, my choices - Consumer consent and the CDR
Release date: April 2022
The fourth report from the Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) addresses the critical issue of consumer consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of CDR data as facilitated by the reform. It explores opportunities for CDR to be ‘doing consent well’, and highlights which of these are within the remit of the DSB. The core of the report builds on indicators for effective consent identified in CPRC’s first report and provides preliminary modelling for a CDR consumer outcomes measurement framework.
CPRC Report 3: Vulnerability, Capability, Opportunity
Release date: May 2021
The third report from the Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) highlights the potential for CDR to support those experiencing vulnerability, and establishes a comprehensive knowledge base for CDR stakeholders to consider this topic. A range of insights and opportunities are detailed in the report, including:
- A framework for understanding vulnerability
- An approach and toolbox for tackling consumer vulnerability
- Use cases detailing how CDR can support those experiencing vulnerability
The content and recommendations from this report will help inform future standards and guideline development.
CPRC Report 2: Joint Accounts and the Consumer Data Right
Release date: December 2020
The second report from the Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) covers views and experiences of consumer advocates and the community sector to identify where the standards and guidelines might be augmented to facilitate joint account data sharing that is safe and inclusive for all consumers. This engagement will inform future iterations of the standards and guidelines.
CPRC Report 1: Stepping Towards Trust
Release date: September 2020
The Data Standards Body has engaged the Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) to expand our community sector consultation and provide advice on consumer needs, expectations, risks and opportunities. This engagement will inform the development of future iterations of the standards to support a trustworthy CDR that creates positive consumer outcomes through fair and efficient market behaviour.
The first output of this engagement covers a review of the standards and guidelines, focusing on how well they deliver on consumer needs and expectations.
Consumer Control Presentation
Release date: October 2019
Concepts and scenarios related to consumer control presented at the CX workshop in October.
Defining the UX of Consent
Release Date: November 2018
On 30 October 2018 (Sydney) and 1 November 2018 (Melbourne), the Consumer Experience work stream invited UX and consumer research practitioners to participate in the development of consumer research, written advice, user journeys and wireframes that form the deliverables for the CDR Consumer Experience work stream.
Use Case Workshop
Release date: August 2018
In August 2018, the Consumer Data Standards facilitated a workshop with stakeholders in the banking sector exploring use cases for open banking, the first implementation of the Consumer Data Right regime. At the workshop, participants discussed key use cases for consumers (both individuals and SMEs) benefiting from open banking, as well as issues still to be explored.
Quick links to CX Guidelines: