Updated @December 7, 2020
The Data Standards Body uses a range of principles and heuristics to guide data standards and guideline development. The complete list of data standards principles can be found on the standards page. This page covers the principles specific to consumer experience.
Outcome principle 3
Data sharing provides a positive consumer experience. The standards will ensure that CDR consumers have simple, informed, and trustworthy data sharing experiences that provide them with positive outcomes over the short and long term.
CX Principle 1.
The CDR is Consumer-centric
The CDR consumer experience is intuitive and is centred on consumer attitudes, needs, behaviours, and expectations – noting that these may change over time.
CX Principle 2.
The CDR is Accessible and Inclusive
A diverse range of people are able to access, use, and comprehend the CDR ecosystem regardless of their background, situation, experience, or personal characteristics.
CX Principle 3.
The CDR consumer experience is Comprehensible
When interacting with the CDR, consumers are able to understand the following:
- who their data is shared with;
- what information is shared;
- when sharing begins and ceases;
- where data is shared to and from;
- why their data is being requested; and
- how they can manage and control the sharing and use of their data
CX Principle 4
The CDR consumer experience is Simple and Empowering
Consumer interactions with the CDR are as simple as possible, but not at the expense of informed consent, consumer control, transparency, privacy, or comprehension. Consumers should be encouraged to be privacy conscious without experiencing cognitive loads that lead to disengagement. Consumers should also be empowered by the CDR without interactive burdens being placed on them.
CX Principle 5.
Consumer Consent is Current
Consent is granted at a point in time and is only as current as the consumer’s original intent. Consumer attitudes and behaviours may change over time and be impacted by external events such as the expansion of the CDR or consumer awareness. Consent terms should always align to current consumer preferences.
Quick links to CX Guidelines:
→ cx@consumerdatastandards.gov.au → cx.cds.gov.au | cds.gov.au